Parent Teacher Group
The Parker-Varney PTG is a volunteer group of individuals committed to the success of our student's future by acting as a support link between the administration, teachers and parents who share the same goal; the betterment of the Parker-Varney School community.
Important PTG Dates:
PTG Meetings All Meetings will be held at 6pm
2022 - 2023 School Year
Jan. 11 (online)
Feb. 7 (in person)
March 8 (online)
April 4 (online)
May 10 (online)
June 6 (in person)
We hold a variety of fundraisers because we know that different people prefer to participate in different ways. Please do not feel obligated to participate in a fundraiser that makes you uncomfortable in any way. If you'd prefer to make a donation in lieu of participating in a fundraiser, that is always fine, too! A few of our on-going fundraisers are listed below:

Shop at
and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases.
Parker-Varney PTG Manchester NH 03102

These slips are now being given out when you shop at Hannaford. Click the link above for more information. Please return slips to the main office.

Scan and save Box Tops

Script Orders - Gift Card Fundraiser:
Here's how it works: Through a partnership with many retail businesses in our area and nationwide, the SCRIP program lets you buy prepaid cards at a 1:1 dollar value. The participating business then donates a certain percentage of each prepaid card purchase directly to Parker-Varney PTG. Gift Card orders will be sent home in November and December.