MSD Policies


124 Gang Activity/Secret Societies/Group Affiliations

It is the policy of the District that membership in gangs, secret fraternities or sororities, or in other clubs or groups not sponsored by established agencies or organizations, is prohibited on school district property and at school sponsored activities on and off of the school grounds.

Group affiliations which initiate, advocate, or promote activities which threaten the safety or well-being of persons or property on school grounds or which disrupt the school environment are harmful to the educational process. The use of hand signals, graffiti, or the display of any apparel, jewelry, accessory, or manner of grooming which, by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, symbol or any other attribute which indicates or implies membership or affiliation which such a group, present a clear and present danger to the school environment and educational objectives of the community are forbidden.

Incidents involving initiations, hazing, intimidation, and/or activities of such group affiliations which are likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace, resulting in physical or mental harm to students, are prohibited.

Any student wearing, carrying, or displaying paraphernalia, or exhibiting behavior or gestures which symbolize group affiliation, or causing and/or participating in activities which intimidate or affect the attendance of another student, shall be subject to disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion.

The Superintendent may provide in-service training in group affiliation behavior and characteristics to facilitate staff identification of students at-risk. He/she may also promote membership in authorized school groups and activities as an alternative.


Revised from: 12/10/01

First Reading Coordination: 6/14/10

Second Reading and Adoption by BOSC: 6/14/10