MSD Policies


120 Student Conduct in School/Safe-School Zone

Student discipline in the Manchester School District is governed by a Code of Conduct which defines students' rights and responsibilities and includes the proposed rules of conduct and sanctions for violations.

The Board endorses the following principles of student conduct:

  1.  Respect for law and those given authority to administer it shall be expected of all students. This includes conformity to school rules as well as to general provisions of the law regarding minors.

  2. Respect for the rights of others, consideration of their privileges, and cooperative citizenship shall be expected of all members of the school community.

  3. Respect for real and personal property and exemplary personal standards of courtesy, decency, honesty, and wholesome attitudes shall be maintained.

The Board expects student conduct to contribute to a productive learning environment. Individual rights are to be respected and protected in all instances; however, the rights of one individual shall not take precedence over those of another individual or of the group itself. All students shall have equal rights and equal responsibilities in the classroom or at any school-sponsored activity. 

The Board further recognizes the right of each school to establish disciplinary procedures in accordance with RSA 193:13 and RSA 193-D through the development of administrative procedures which are approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee. Due process shall be afforded to any student involved in a proceeding which may result in suspension, exclusion, or expulsion. Students expelled from school may be reinstated by the Board under the provisions of RSA 193:13. 

The Superintendent and/or his/her designee may modify expulsion requirements as provided in RSA 193:13, IV.

Statutory References:

RSA 193:13 (Suspension and Expulsion of Pupils)


First Reading Coordination: 10/16/02

Second Reading and Approval BOSC: 11/12/02