MSD Policies


111 Release of Students

Students may be released by the principal, assistant principal, or other authorized personnel.

Requests for students' release shall be in writing and signed by the parent or legal guardian. School personnel may not release a student to any person not known by the principal or teacher to be the legal guardian of the student, except upon presentation of a written permit from the parent or legal guardian. It should be remembered that, as a result of a divorce or separation or other family circumstances, the custody agreement should be carefully checked before releasing the student. In each instance, the principal or teacher should make sure that the student knows the person to whom he is being released. Any telephone request should be verified by calling the home or emergency number before releasing the student.

Similar cautionary measures are also required when releasing students to after-school childcare programs or special school sponsored, or non-school related activities such as skiing, bowling, etc.


First Reading Coordination: 12/12/00

Second Reading and Approval BOSC: 01/08/01