MSD Policies


133 Employee and Visitor Identification Badge


The Manchester School District desires to make all facilities within the school district safe and secure for all employees, students and visitors. The implementation of an Employee Identification Badge System will enhance the safety and security within the school buildings and on school grounds. ID badges that are prominently worn while on duty provide an added sense of security that individuals in the schools are authorized to be there. Therefore, all visitors and staff must wear identification badges while on District property.

The implementation of an ID System serves the following objectives:

  1. To provide an additional means to identify authorized staff members in the building. This is especially relevant at the beginning of each school term and also for intermittent personnel assignments.

  2. To provide assurance to visitors to our schools that individuals who may question their (the visitor's) presence in the school are authorized to do so.

  3. To provide an overall, more secure atmosphere for students, staff members, and visitors.

  4. Guidelines

Full and part-time employees will be issued an ID at the beginning of each new school year or on their first day of employment. ID badges shall contain the name of the employee and a current photograph. The cost of the ID badge will be borne by the District. Lost or stolen ID badges must be reported (to the School District personnel office immediately.) In the event that any ID badge is lost, stolen or destroyed, the employee shall be responsible to pay $10.00 to cover the cost of a replacement badge. Worn ID badges shall be replaced at no cost. ID badges must be returned to the School District personnel office when employment is terminated. If an employee is terminated, either by the District or at the will of the employee, his/her ID badge must be immediately returned to the appropriate school district administrator. All employees are required to maintain and display the school district issued identification badge at all times while at work on school district property.

  • The ID badges are the property of the Manchester School District.

  • The ID badge must be worn in a conspicuous location above the waist. Employees are not permitted to alter their ID badge in any way.

  • Employee badges are meant for the sole use of the person indicated on the badge and under no circumstance may an employee permit their ID Badge to be used by any other person.

  • Itinerant staff will be issued a badge from the District Office.

  • Employees who have lost or forgotten their ID Badge must inform the building main office immediately upon arrival at the school or building, at which time they will be issued a temporary badge to be worn for the day.

  • Employees who repeatedly report to work without their identification badges, or refuse to wear the badge, may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with any applicable laws.

Any employee who observes someone who is not wearing a Manchester School District issued ID, must report the person to the administration for investigation. Temporary identification badges will be issued to all other employees or persons entering the building on official business, including, but not limited to:

  1. Substitutes;

  2. Student teachers;

  3. College student teacher advisors; other persons temporarily employed in the district facilities; and

  4. Volunteers.

Temporary identification badges issued to student teachers, substitutes and other temporary personnel will be issued at the beginning of service and collected upon completion of the assignment. A list of all temporary badges will be maintained by the school office.

Employees will have their photo taken annually by the school photographer to facilitate the creation and maintenance of a photo database.


All visitors to the School District shall display a temporary visitor ID badge while they are in any School District building or on School District grounds during school hours. Upon entering a school building visitors shall report to the school office to register and receive a temporary visitor ID badge. Visitors who do not wish to comply with this policy will be asked to leave.

First Reading Coordination: 7/13/15

BOSC 2nd Reading and Approval: 8/10/15