MSD Policies


152 Limited English Proficiency Instruction

If the District receives federal funding for Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Programs, the following provisions and procedures will apply:

Screening Procedures:

  1. Registrars will process all Home Language Surveys that indicate any other language than English  to the ESOL (English Speakers of Other Languages)  Teacher at the school.

  2. The ESOL Teacher will then perform a language background that includes gathering educational background, language background, and screen students using the NH approved Screening tool.

  3. Parents will be notified of their student’s eligibility in the ESOL program and identify as an EL (English Learner).

  4. Notification will include the scores from the Screener for identifying the child as LEP and the reasons for placing the child in the specific program.

Instructional Practices:

  1. Parents will be notified of the ESOL Program and explanation of the delivery of services.

  2. Students will participate in regular assessments in a manner that will yield an accurate assessment.  Students enrolled in a U.S. school for less than 12 months and identified as active English Learners, based on WIDA Screener, are exempt for one administration of the reading or language arts assessment; however, the one year reporting exemption applies to all state testing (i.e., EL newcomers are required to take the mathematics portion of the statewide assessments, but their scores will not be included for accountability purposes) or otherwise stated in current NH Policy. First year status is identified in the i4see system; therefore, a special exemption form is not required.

  3. Teachers within the ESOL program must be NH ESOL certified to teach multilingual education and with permission after review from the Executive Director or designee. Candidates who have a Statement of Eligibility (SOE)  will be considered, if there are no qualified candidates (dual certified ESOL Teachers, and/or ESOL Certified teachers) and SOE requirements are  agreed to be met within the first 90 days of hiring, that includes completing the Alternative plans in the agreed time frame per state statue, if not met, the candidate with only a SOE, will result in termination of contract.

  4. The program will be evaluated for the academic success and language achievement of the students in the program.  Parents will be notified of:

    • Their child’s level of English proficiency and how such level was assessed using the approved Federally Mandated English Proficiency Assessments, (Screener & ACCESS 2.0 or state approved screening and assessment tools)

    • Information as to how the program will meet their child’s educational strengths, assist him/her to learn English, and meet age-appropriate academic achievement standards.

    • A statement as to how the LEP will meet objectives of the child’s IEP (Individual Educational Plan), if applicable.

    • The method of instruction used in the program in which the child is placed, and the methods of instruction used in other available programs.

    • The status of their child’s academic achievement.

    • Students who are on a Monitor status will be classified as inactive EL for 4 year monitoring status.

    • Exit requirements for the program will be determined by state and local recommendations.

  5. The Manchester School District will review and update the LAU plan as needed to reflect federal and state requirements.

Adapted from : NHSBA IHBBA.

Legal References:

P.L. 107-110, No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.

Equal Access, NH Compliance Manual for Instructing and Assessing English Language Students, Revised 2008.

Revised from 09/28/2020    

First Reading Policy Committee: 06/15/2022

Second Reading and Approval BOSC: 06/27/2022