MSD Policies


147 1:1 Computing Devices in Manchester Schools

1.   Overview

It is the Manchester School District’s belief that these devices will help students develop skills that are necessary in our 21st century work world. This policy is for schools or students that receive 1:1 devices. These 21st century skills include:

  • Critical and creative thinking

  • Problem solving skills

  • Information and computer skills

  • Interpersonal and self-direction skills

  • Technology literacy

  • Collaboration and communication in a global world

  • Experience in an online learning community

Devices will allow students to direct their own learning and have a greater reliance on active learning strategies. Students will be able to transfer knowledge across disciplines. The increased access to technology will enhance instruction and provide more achievement opportunities for our students.

Once the device has been issued to a student, the device will stay with them for the remainder of the school year, or unless they withdraw from school. Students will be responsible for bringing their device to school with them everyday, taking it home at the end of the day, and charging it for use before the next day. It is important to note that these units will stay with the students 24 hours a day, and are not to be left unsupervised at school at any time.

2.   Receipt of Device 

Devices will be issued each fall. Prior to the start of the school year, there will be a mandatory meeting for Parents/Guardians and Students. Both parents/guardians and students must attend this meeting prior to the student receiving his/her device.  Parents and Students must sign and return the Insurance Coverage Election Form and the Student Responsibilities for Device Use documents before the device will be issued to the student. The Insurance Coverage Election Form outlines options for families to protect the device investment for the school district. Please review the section on Repairing or Replacing Your Device and be familiar with this policy which clearly outlines the details of the coverage options available. 

Devices will be collected at the end of each school year for maintenance, cleaning and software installations. Students will be re-issued their original device each year while they are enrolled in the program for which the device was purchased.

3.   Care of Device 

The student’s device will be an integral part of the learning experience.  In order for the student to perform at his/her best and be fully engaged in the learning process the device must be in working condition at all times.  This means the Students are responsible for the general care of the device they have been issued by the school. If the device breaks or fails to work properly it must be taken to the technology coordinator.  It is expected that the students will follow precautions and care for their device as outlined in the User Agreement and Procedures Guide.

4.   Use of Devices at School

Devices are intended for use at school each day. In addition to the teacher’s expectations for device use, school messages, announcements, calendars and schedules will be accessed using the device computer. Students are responsible for bringing their device to all classes. The device is an essential classroom tool and students will be expected to follow procedures to keep the device operational and ready for use on a daily basis as outlined in the User Agreement Procedure Guide.

5.   Responsible Use

Access to the Manchester School District technology resources is a privilege and not a right. Each employee, student and/or parent will be required to follow the Intranet/Internet Responsible Use Policy as outlined in district policies Safety 121 (Instruction 142).

6.   Repairing or replacing your Device 

The Manchester School District recognizes that with the implementation of the 1:1 initiative there is a need to protect the investment by both the District and the student/parent. The following outlines the various areas of protection: warranty, accidental damage protection and insurance.

6.1 Hardware Warranty

This coverage is purchased by the Manchester School District as part of the purchase price of the equipment. The manufacturer warrants the device from defects in materials and workmanship. This limited warranty covers normal use, mechanical breakdown or faulty construction and will provide replacement parts necessary to repair or replace device under warranty. The manufacturer warranty does not warrant against damage caused by misuse, abuse, accidents or computer viruses.

6.2 Accidental Damage Protection

The Manchester School District will maintain a group insurance policy to protect 1:1 devices against accidental damage such as: liquid spills, accidental drops, power surges, and natural disasters, theft, loss, or damage by fire or other “act of god”.   Students/parents must pay the school district an annual (non-refundable) protection payment for coverage. This coverage does not provide for damage caused by misuse, intentional or frequent damage or cosmetic damage.

The repair company will assess the damage and repair or replace the device at no cost if the damage is determined to be accidental, infrequent, and within the protection guidelines.  This protection coverage may have an additional charge (deductible) per occurrence. This annual coverage begins upon receipt of the payment and ends at the conclusion of the school year. 

* Abuse of the device by students is not considered accidental and the student/parent will be required to reimburse the district for the cost of repair or replacement.

6.3 Student Carelessness

Students will be held for the cost or repair or replacement of devices that are damaged as the result of student carelessness. Fees will be assessed based on the extent of the damage.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: In cases of theft, vandalism and other criminal acts, a police report, or in the case of fire, a fire report MUST be filed by the student or parent for the protection coverage to take place. A copy of the police/fire report must be provided to the principal’s office. 

INTENTIONAL DAMAGE: Students/Parents are responsible for full payment of intentional damages to a 1:1 device. Warranty, Accidental Damage Protection, DOES NOT cover intentional damage of the device. 

6.4 Claims

All insurance claims must be reported to the School Principal, building technology coordinator, or Superintendent. Students or parents must file a police or fire report and bring a copy of the report to the principal’s office before a device can be repaired or replaced with School District protection.  Fraudulent reporting of theft, loss, or accidental damage by fire will be turned over to the police and insurance company for prosecution. A student making a false report will also be subject to disciplinary action.

The District will work with the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Department to alert pawnshops and police departments in the area to be aware of this District-owned equipment.

7. Privileges and Consequences

Student use of the device is a privilege. The Manchester School District has purchased these devices for the sole and express purpose of student educational use. Students will be granted access to District intranet/internet resources as outlined in the District Intranet/Internet Responsible Use Policy Safety121 (Instruction 142).

Suspended Privileges

This policy will help insure that student devices are well-cared for, and that they will be available for use for educational purposes. In addition to the following consequences, some violations may incur disciplinary and/or legal action.  Violations are detailed in the user agreements for program specific devices.







Verbal warning, action logged



Detention, letter sent home to parents



Five (5) day device suspension, meeting with parents



Device suspended for remainder of semester or minimum of 20 days, meeting with parents



Device suspended for rest of school year, meeting with parents

Accidental Damage


Verbal warning, action logged



Detention, letter sent home to parents



Five (5) day device suspension, meeting with parents



Device suspended for remainder of semester or minimum of 20 days, meeting with parents



Device suspended for rest of school year, meeting with parents

Device Misuse


Verbal warning, action logged


Five (5) day device suspension, meeting with parents


Device suspended for remainder of semester or minimum of 20 days, meeting with parents


Device suspended for rest of school year, meeting with parents

Intentional Damage


Ten (10) day device suspension, meeting with parents (If device claim is determined to be not covered by insurance then the student must pay the district for full replacement cost of a new device.)


Device suspended for rest of school year, meeting with parents (If device claim is determined to be not covered by insurance then the student must pay the district for full replacement cost of a new device.)

Violation of District Intranet/Internet

Responsible Use  Policy Safety 121 (Instruction 142)


Ten (10) day device suspension, meeting with parents


Device suspended for rest of school year, meeting with parent

Review by IT Committee: 9/11/12

First Reading Coordination:  9/11/12

Second Reading and Adoption by BOSC: 9/13/12 via Phone Poll