MSD Policies


123 Vacation Tours/Trips

The Manchester Board of School Committee will not sponsor summer or vacation tours and trips. Any such trips or tours, organized under private auspices are not within the purview of the School Committee. No trip should be organized in such a way as to interrupt the school calendar without prior School Committee approval.

The use of school media and school facilities, during regular school hours, for the planning, organization, orientation and recruitment for such tours is not permitted by the School Committee. Copies of all notices and bulletins connected with the trip which will be distributed to participants, parents, chaperones, etc., must be filed in advance with the principal and may not be posted on school property.

Classroom teachers, principals, or department heads should in no way be involved in the collection of monies during school hours.

08/94 Revised as follows:

Curriculum and Instruction: 04/16101

First Reading Coordination: 05/09/01

Second Reading and Approval BOSC: 05/14/01