MSD Policies


119a De-leveling of Courses in the Manchester School District

It is the obligation of the Manchester School District to ensure equitable access to rigorous standards/competencies and quality curriculum, instruction, and assessments for all students as outlined in Instruction 119: Equitable Access to High Standards, approved by the Board of School Committee on May 10, 2021.

We believe all students can learn. We recognize and support diversity within our district and commit to systematically examining and terminating practices and systems that uphold the disproportionalities among our students. We commit to proactively addressing these inequities and tracking our progress. Therefore, the Board of School Committee establishes the following course of action.

Effective September 1, 2022, Manchester secondary schools will no longer offer Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, or Level 4 courses. In replacement of the aforementioned courses, Manchester secondary schools will offer regular content courses, honors content courses, and Advanced Placement courses that include the teaching of the same rigorous standards and competencies.

University dual-enrollment courses will continue to be offered.

First Reading (Teaching and Learning Committee): October 26, 2021

Second Reading and BOSC Approval: November 8, 2021