MSD Policies


110 Authorized Signatures

[DGA: Authorized Signatures]

The Superintendent is directed to create internal controls regarding contracts, checks and other official documents so that such documents are only be signed by the appropriate persons.  Such controls are necessary to prevent mistakes, fraud, embezzlement and District liability and to maintain compliance with state or federal laws and regulations.

In general, the Superintendent or their designee may sign documents on behalf of the District or the Board. When a signature of one Board member is required, the Chair or in their absence, the Vice Chair, is authorized to sign on behalf of the Board. Other District personnel and District officials (e.g., Treasurer, school nurse, etc.) are authorized to sign documents or instruments on behalf of the District of School Board as required by statute, regulation, or Board policy or as directed by the Superintendent.

Execution of a document on behalf of the District or the Board is indication by the person so signing that the document is accurate, has been adequately approved by the Board or other District personnel as appropriate and necessary, and is in the best interest of the District.

Electronic signatures may be used if in accordance with Board Policy EHAC.

Checks drawn on the general fund or any special fund (with the exception of the activity fund) will require the signature of the School District Treasurer or the Assistant Treasurer who is authorized to sign only after approval of manifests by the Board. Checks drawn on an activity fund will require the signatures of the principal and, when appropriate, the class advisor.


Statutory Reference:

RSA 197:23-a


Policy History:

Revised From: 04/10/2000

First Reading: Policy Committee: 11/21/22

Second Reading and BOSC Adoption: 11/28/22